Yesterday, a bill to nullify TSA overreach moved forward in Kansas. HB 2175 passed out of the Committee on Federal and State Affairs with only 1 recorded NO vote. The bill should now move forward to the floor for a vote by the whole house.

This bill amends the 2012 Kansas statutes. “Official misconduct is any of the following acts committed by a public officer or employee in the officer or employee’s public capacity or under color of the officer or employee’s office or employment.”

Section 7 states, “as part of a determination of whether to grant another person access to a publicly accessible venue or form of transportation, intentionally and without probable cause: (A) Touches the genitals, buttocks, anus or female breasts of such person, including touching through clothing; (B) removes a child younger than 18 years of age from the physical custody or control of such child’s parent or legal guardian, or a person standing in the stead of such child’s parent or legal guardian; (C) commits a violation of subsection (a) or (b) of K.S.A. 2012 Supp.21-5412, and amendments thereto; or (D) harasses, delays, coerces, threatens, intimidates, or denies or conditions such person’s accessibility because of such person’s refusal to consent to subsections (a)(7)(A), (a)(7)(B) or (a)(7)(C).”

This bill will punish any violators. “Upon conviction of official misconduct a public officer or employee shall forfeit such officer or employee’s office or employment. (c) The provisions of subsection (a)(1) shall not apply to any use of persons or property which: (1) At the time of the use, is authorized by law or by formal written policy of the governmental entity; or (2) constitutes misuse of public funds.”

The bill defines punishment for violators misconduct as Official misconduct as defined a class A person misdemeanor. A Class A, the sentence for which shall be a definite term of confinement in the county jail which shall be fixed by the court and shall not exceed one year.


If you live in Kansas, contact your State representative here all strongly, but politely, tell them you want a YES vote on HB2175

If you don’t live in Kansas, please contact your state representative and encourage them to introduce similar legislation.