The Alabama Senate recently created quite a stir when it passed a 2nd Amendment Preservation Act that would have nullified federal firearms regulations violating the Second Amendment.
But even with broad-based popular support, the Alabama House failed pass the bill and do its duty to protect Alabamians from federal overreach. SB93 did not move out of House Committee before session deadlines.
With the next legislative session a year away, only one option remains, and it’s likely the most effective: build grassroots groups to block violations of the Second Amendment at the local level.
Counties and cities must refuse to assist any federal attempts to violate your right to keep and bear arms in their jurisdictions. Starting now, work to get your county, city or town to pass a resolution then a binding ordinance in response to violations of the 2nd Amendment. Covering the state with local communities saying NO to such unconstitutional federal acts will not only render the laws “nearly impossible to enforce” as Judge Napolitano has said – it will also provide the heavy pressure needed to ensure that the state legislature will have the courage to do the same in the future.
Of course, local governments won’t act without your input and grassroots pressure. The good news is a few dedicated individuals can make a difference at the local level.
That’s where you can step up to the plate.
It’s going to take work to ensure that this is how things play out. Here’s what you can start doing right now.
1. Contact your local legislators – County, City, Town – and urge them to introduce model legislation in support of the 2nd Amendment Protection Act.
local ordinance here:
2. Become a local leader. If you’re dedicated to the right and keep and bear arms, we’ll provide you with the tools you need to not only act on your own, but to organize and lead others to help support these efforts.
contact us here and let us know –
3. Get active on Facebook. Join the 2nd Amendment Alabama group and stay active in support of SB93 and other legislation coming forward. Even if this bill does not get heard, this Facebook group is the means to form grassroots support to act locally and in the state.
4. Share this information widely. Please pass this along to your friends and family. Also share it with any and all grassroots groups you’re in contact with around the state. Please encourage them to email this information to their members and supporters.
The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act IS constitutional
How to Respond to Unlawful Orders
The 2nd Amendment didn’t “grant” rights
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