I rarely get to report something “good” coming out of Congress.

But the Senate filibuster on Obamacare by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)  certainly falls into that category.

Cruz stood on his principles. He stood for 21 hours and 19 minutes. He stood, and he talked.  He stood despite a lack of support from Republican leadership (ie. Mitch McConnell). He stood up for the American people in the face of a draconian and unconstitutional law that will do unimaginable damage to the economy, and more importantly to freedom and liberty.

“I rise today in opposition to Obamacare,” Cruz said at 2:41 p.m. Tuesday.

Technically, the speech wasn’t really a filibuster. He did not delay a procedural vote scheduled for Wednesday and gave up the floor at noon per to Senate rules. Essentially Cruz gave voice to a whole lot of Americans who rarely get heard. Kudos to him.

The speech featured some great lines, including a reading of Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham, and some amusing senatorial self-deprecation.

“This fight is not about personalities. Look, most Americans could not give a flying flip about a bunch of politicians in Washington. Who cares? … You know, almost all of us are in cheap suits with bad haircuts. Who cares?” Cruz said.

Rand Paul quoted Bastiat.

But perhaps the best and most poignant line of the night was delivered by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah).

“Those nine people in black robes we call the Supreme Court have no more authority to impose a tax on the American people than the Queen of England.”

Absolutely true!

It was a pretty cool night of political theater.

But in the end, it means nothing.

When all is said and done, the Senate will amend out the provision to defund Obamacare and pass the spending bill. Tenth Amendment Center blogger Ben Mankowski Sr. summed up what will ultimately happen.

“They will send it back to the House, who will pass it and say, ‘Well, we tried, but we can’t do anything with the Democrats controlling the Senate because we’re a bunch of candy asses who are afraid to shut down the same federal government we always complain is too big!!!'”

We cannot count on  Congress to ever defund, or otherwise dismantle Obamacare, any more than we could count on the Supreme Court to strike it down. Congresscritters will talk about it. They will campaign on it. They will make bold statements about it in townhall meetings and on talk radio. But when the rubber meets the road, they will keep right on implementing it.

Washington D.C. NEVER fixes Washington D.C.

The only hope of stopping Obamacare lies at the state level. States must nullify this monstrosity. Otherwise, you’re stuck with it.

The Tenth Amendment Center has a four-step plan to stop implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. How about taking a little inspiration from Sen. Cruz and get to work in your state?

Click HERE for more information.

Mike Maharrey

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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