For most of 2013, fiscal conservatives in Ohio have been battling Governor John Kasich over his desire to support President Obama’s “Affordable Care Act” through the expansion of Medicaid in our state. After failing to win support from the Republican-dominated Ohio General Assembly, Kasich is now attempting to expand Medicaid and implement “Obamacare” without the consent of the majority of our citizens or our state legislature.

On Friday, in an attempt to circumvent Ohio’s General Assembly, the Kasich administration requested that the Ohio Controlling Board appropriate Obamacare funds to expand Medicaid with billions in federal funding.

Because Kasich did not issue an executive order, the Controlling Board is supposed to be guided by the premise that they shall take no action that is contrary to the legislative intent of Ohio’s general assembly. Based on the legislature’s stance to date, the Controlling Board, which consists of four Republican legislators, two Democrat legislators and one member on the governor’s staff, should not grant Kasich’s request.

Not surprisingly, both Democrats are supporting Kasich’s Progressive effort to expand Medicaid, despite their responsibility to reject his request if it is contrary to the wishes of the legislature. As such, all Kasich will need to do to be able to thwart the will of the people that elected him is to convince ONE of the four Republican legislators on the board to vote with him.


Please contact every elected member of the Controlling Board and let them know that they must honor Article 1, Section 21 of the Ohio Constitution and uphold the voice of the citizens of Ohio and their duly elected legislature. They must vote to reject the governor’s request.

  • Senator Bill Coley (R) – (614) 466-8072
  • Senator Chris Widener (R) – (614) 466-3780
  • Representative Ron Amstutz (R) – (614) 466-1474
  • Representative Cliff Rosenberger (R) – (614) 466-3506
  • Senator Tom Sawyer (D) – (614) 466-7041
  • Representative Chris Redfern (D) – (614) 644-6011

Refusing Obamacare Medicaid expansion is a huge step in stopping Obamacare in Ohio.  To learn more about how to nullify Obamacare in 4 steps click HERE.

To join the Nullify Obamacare Ohio Facebook group click HERE.


Scott Landreth