On January 8, HB1620 was introduced to add safeguards that would protect New Hampshire citizens from unwarranted drone surveillance (learn about it here). It was promptly referred to the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee where it will need to pass by majority vote before the full House can consider it.


YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED NOW. It doesn’t matter where in New Hampshire you live, take these actions today.

1. Call the Committee Chair, Laura Pantelakos. Strongly, but respectfully urge her to move this important bipartisan bill forward to a vote in her committee. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email.


2. Call the rest of the committee members. Again, be strong, but respectful. Urge each of them to take action to move the bill forward and vote YES on HB1620. If they do not commit to a YES vote, ask them why. If they’re undecided, let them know you’ll call back in a few days.

Robert Cushing (D) Vice Chair (603) 926-2737
Gene Charron (R) Clerk (603)887-2172
Roger Berube(D)  (603)692-5653
Ronald Boisvert (D) (603)669-0951
Geoffrey Hirsch (D) (603)938-2833
Dennis Fields (R) (603)528-6224
Larry Gagne (R) (603)625-9692
Mark Warden (R) (603)391-2888
Timothy Robertson (D) (603)352-7006
Brenda Grady (D) (603)424-4589
Andrew O’Hearne (D) (603)558-1038
Robert Fesh (R) (603)434-1550
Robbie Parsons (R) (603)652-9009
Steve Vaillancourt (R) (603)271-3661
Stephen Shurtleff (D) (603)753-4563
Linda Harriott-Gathright (D) (603)880-4537
Latha Mangipudi (D) (603)891-1239
Moe Villeneuve (R) (603)472-6928
Kyle Tasker (R) (603)724-4716

3.  Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days.  Ask if they’ve had a chance to review the legislation and what their opposition might be.   Email us at info@offnow.org with any information you get.

4.  SHARE this information widely.  By facebook, twitter, email, and more.

5. Write a letter to the editor. Look up your local newspaper and submit a letter to the editor voicing your support for HB1620. It is essential to take measures to protect the privacy rights of NH residents. Passing HB1620 will help make that happen.