In 2013, HB4276 was introduced to nullify the Common Core curriculum in the state of Michigan. (learn more about it here) It was referred to the Education Committee where it will need to be passed by a majority before a vote is taken in the whole House. The bill is still active during the 2014 legislative year.
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! It doesn’t matter where in Michigan you live, ACT NOW!
1. Call the Committee Chair, Lia Posthumus Lyons. Strongly, but respectfully urge her to move this important bill forward to a vote in her committee. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email.
(517) 373-0846
2. Call the rest of the committee members. Again, be strong, but respectful. Urge each of them to take action to move the bill forward and vote YES on HB4276. If they do not commit to a YES vote, ask them why. If they’re undecided, let them know you’ll call back in a few days.
Ray Franz (R) Majority Vice-Chair (517) 373-0825
Ellen Lipton (D) Minority Vice-Chair (517) 373-0478
Hugh Crawford (R) (517) 373-0827
Kevin Daley (R) (517) 373-1800
Bob Genetski (R) (517) 373-0836
Pete Lund (R) (517) 373-0843
Tom McMillin (R) Bill Author (517) 373-1773
Thomas Hooker (R) (517) 373-2277
Brad Jacobsen (R) (517) 373-1798
Amanda Price (R) (517) 373-0838
Ken Yonker (R) (517) 373-0840
Kevin Knezek (D) (517) 373-0849
Winnie Brinks (D) (517) 373-0822
Thomas Stallworth (D) (517) 373-2276
Collene Lamonte (D) (517) 373-3436
Theresa Abed (D) (517) 373-0853
3. Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days. Ask if they’ve had a chance to review the legislation and what their opposition might be. Comment below or contact us at with any information you get.
4. SHARE this information widely. By facebook, twitter, email, and more.
5. Write a letter to the editor. Look up your local newspaper and submit a letter to the editor voicing your support for HB4276. It is essential to keep the educational system from being completely usurped by unaccountable, corrupt federal bureaucrats. Passing HB4276 will make that happen.
6. Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below