On March 31st, I was a guest on The Dignitary podcast. The show’s topic was the oath of office that politicians take, particularly that of upholding the Constitution. The Dignitary’s host, Jacob, and I discussed NSA spying and the importance of the Tenth Amendment Center’s motto, “The Constitution. Every issue, every time. No exceptions, no excuses.”
During the interview Jacob asked how the Tenth Amendment Center answers the claim that unconstitutional NSA spying is essential to national security,
I responded, “I think the first thing I would say is that it’s a violation of the Fourth Amendment, it’s unconstitutional and it’s illegal. So I don’t really care what your rationalization is. If you say you believe in the Constitution, if you say that you believe that there is a law that governs the extent of the federal government’s powers, you have to hold to that on every single issue.”
The podcast ended with Jacob eloquently appealing to his listeners to join the Tenther cause and support the Tenth Amendment Center.
He stated,“A growing army of seemingly insignificant individuals have been actively involved in nullifying our federal government’s abuses. I recommend that you become a part of that. I have been very encouraged by the efforts of the Tenth Amendment Center and I feel comfortable in recommending that you contact them if you would like to be active in preserving freedom in your country.”
If you are interested in heeding The Dignitary’s call, you can sign up to volunteer here.