New Hampshire HB1138 would legalize experimental treatments not yet approved by FDA regulators for terminally-ill patients. It must first pass through the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee.

PLEASE TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS to support this important bill.

1. Call the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee Chair, Frank Kotowski. Strongly, but respectfully urge him to move this important bill forward to a vote in his committee. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email.
Kotowski: (603)340-6999

2. Call the rest of the committee members. Again, be strong, but respectful. Urge each of them to take action to move the bill forward and vote YES on HB1138.

Donald LeBrun (R) Vice Chair (603)886-1725
Bill Nelson (R) (603)522-5279
Susan Emerson (R) (603)899-6529
Stephen Schmidt (R) (603)569-0848
Joanne Ward (R) (603)772-5145
James MacKay (D) (603)224-0623
Thomas Sherman (D) (603)379-2248
Mary Freitas (D) (603)622-9056
Charles McMahon (R) (603)432-8877
Stephen Stepanek (R) (603)673-7658
Daniel Donovan (R) (603)464-5805
Barbara French (D) (603)428-3366
Susan Ticehurst (D) (603)323-8040
Pamela Gordon (D) (603)319-8398
Andre Martel (R) (603)218-3370
Joseph Guthrie (R) (603)489-1228
John Fothergill (R) (603)915-1220
Helen Deloge (D) (603)224-3628
Lucy Weber (D) (603)756-4338
Kendall Snow (D) (603)669-1075

3. Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days. Make sure to follow-up. If they say YES, be sure to thank them and, if possible, announce their committed YES vote to email and social media contacts. If they say no, politely ask them why. Get the information from them and contact us.

4. Spread the Word. Share this information widely by facebook, twitter, email and other social networks.


5. Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below.