In a recent video, we reported that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Glendale Police Department in Arizona made an agreement to help enforce unconstitutional federal gun control laws. In response, many shocked viewers wanted to learn who was responsible for this arrangement.

The memorandum of understanding (MOA) between the ATF and Glendale Police was approved unanimously by the Glendale City Council via resolution last November. The memo calls for the police department to assist the ATF in exchange for….well, almost nothing.

The agreement expires in 2020. The memo is signed by the head ATF agent for the Phoenix Field Division along with Glendale Police Chief Debora Black.

This incestuous relationship between the feds and local law enforcement must be fought wherever it exists. As long as it continues,  we can expect state agencies to oppose us when we seek to protect our right to keep and bear arms from federal meddling.

Glendale resident should remind their elected council members that a “refusal to cooperate with officers of the Union” rather than collaborate with them in enforcing unconstitutional laws is what founders like James Madison advocated. They should also contact their own state representative and senator, and politely insist they introduce a Second Amendment Preservation Act to stop state and local law enforcement from helping the feds violate their rights.

Glendale AZ ATF MOA

TJ Martinell