In our early years, anytime we got a big traffic boost – our site went down.  Sometimes it was for hours, and one time in 2009 – we were down for more than 3 straight days.

It was at that point that I decided we could no longer rely on basic, shared website hosting (think $10 a month hosting specials, whether from Bluehost, DreamHost or GoDaddy). Instead, I started to move us up to something better.

Today, we’re on a pretty expensive – but totally rock-solid – plan over at WPEngine (and probably need to upgrade again soon). And even they have improved their quality in recent years. But the result has been good.  With some of the highest traffic we ever get on a daily basis, we had 100% uptime – not a single millisecond down – through the month of May.

Here’s our monthly report from Pingdom:

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Michael Boldin