With the Political Industrial Complex thriving, factions (i.e. political parties) are busy selecting their candidates and crafting their platforms. It is a profitable time for lobbyists, PACs, media outlets, pollsters and pundits, sign makers and more. But with all of the noise, people often overlook the deep roots of the various platforms factions produce. This year there is actually some good news in the Republican platform – some endorsements of nullification.
This year one faction is clearly targeting centralized power; willing to create rules, increase enforcement, and distribute government seized taxes in an effort to provide for people’s needs and wants. Another is struggling between central controls and restoring some forms of state and local level control. Division is obvious and rampant. Governing influence continues to grow on its own through delegated rule making by unelected bureaucrats while nonstop campaigning reduces oversight.
Within the 2016 Republican Platform is a clarion call for states to take back their responsibility. Long bemoaned or abandoned, the party endorses nullification at the state level. Regarding property rights, “We call on any state legislatures that have not already done so to nullify the impact of Kelo within their jurisdiction by legislation or state constitutional amendments declaring that private property may be taken only for true public use, and we join House Republicans in supporting the Private Property Rights Protection Act.”
Throughout the platform state responsibility and purview are referenced. “We pledge to restore the proper balance and vertical separation of powers between the federal government and state governments — the governments closest to, and most reflective of, the American people.” There is also encouragement for people to demand their 9th Amendment responsibilities and rights, a keystone for defending personal liberty.
Nullification is simply a constitutional way for citizens to gain protection from representatives far away through representatives closer to home. Central government is not the most competent to deal with state and local matters. Citizens are not the most competent to deal with foreign governments and national defense. When state legislatures interpose between the federal government and citizens, it serves notice on federal representatives the rules or laws in question are believed to be unconstitutional and need to be nullified until the question of constitutionality is decided by and for the people. It is not radical nor does it represent anarchy. Enacting state level nullification, to interpose, is the responsibility of the states and the right of the people. It is a defense against tyranny expected as part of a civic duty the people have in self-governing.
Based on their Oath of Office both factions should support nullification. Even the Supreme Court has erred against this basic right, a precedent that needs to be challenged. To see a 2016 platform feature consistent reference to the cornerstones of interposition and federalism is a step in the right direction. Sadly, Republican rhetoric has often failed to match up with their actions. Political parties have long promised many things in platforms however, often leaving those promises unfulfilled.
Citizens cannot rest from their responsibility to demand interposition. Individuals, after all, are most competent in knowing about their daily needs and should resist unconstitutional rules and laws from a faraway central bureaucracy out of touch and beyond voter accountability. No matter what faction a person may affiliate with, endorsing nullification should be easy enough to understand and support.
- Jeff Sessions Reminds Us of Our Need for the Tenth Amendment - January 9, 2018
- The Ninth and Tenth Amendment: Partners in Federalism for Liberty - October 30, 2017
- A Closer Look at the American Creed - April 10, 2017