We have gotten to this point in American life. I predicted it when I wrote The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers.

If you admire the founding generation or the Constitution, you are “extreme.”

How do we know this? Because three “esteemed” law professors tell us this is the case.

Their aim was Senate candidate Roy Moore, whose participation in the 2010 Tenth Amendment Summit in Atlanta, GA served as the backdrop for a thinly veiled hit piece at CNN, home of “fake news.”

Moore is a…gasp…”Tenther.”

What the heck does that mean, anyway? Jefferson would be a “Tenther.” So would Madison and a host of other members of the founding generation.

They also supported the Third Amendment. Does that make them a “Thirder?” Do we call people who support the Fifth Amendment “Fifthers?”

Stupid. But what else can you expect from this brain dead crowd.

Even more hilarious was the fact that the authors of the piece probably weren’t aware that Moore was citing Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech in his talk to the audience that day. They recognized lines from the Declaration, but not Henry’s. Even so, is Patrick Henry now “extreme?”

This would be laughable if it weren’t so sad. I get into this in more detail in Episode 120 of The Brion McClanahan Show.

Brion McClanahan
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