Who will win the 2020 presidential election? Joe Biden? Donald Trump?
Who cares?
Because it doesn’t really matter.
Regardless of who wins in November, when their term ends in January 2024, the federal government will be bigger, more intrusive and deeper in debt. And there will be countless additional violations of the Constitution over the next four years.
I’d put money on it.
I quit concerning myself with presidential elections years ago when I started using the Constitution as my measuring stick. Neither candidate can measure up. When it comes to the Constitution, there is very little difference between a George Bush, a Barack Obama, a Donald Trump, or a Joe Biden.
In reality, there would likely be very little substantive difference between a Trump and a Biden administration – just like there wasn’t much substantive difference between the Trump and Obama years. Presidential politics is mostly rhetoric and posturing.
We can change out the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but we still get the wars. We still get the ever-growing police and surveillance state. We still get the out of control spending, money printing and currency debasement. We still get the unconstitutional executive orders. We still get federal healthcare and education. The list goes on.
The problem is that the constitutional system is broken. Trying to fix it by electing a new president is like trying to fix a broken-down car that’s up on blocks by changing out the driver.