People don’t like it when you criticize their favorite politicians. That’s a problem. Because people in power need more criticism, not less. You need to stop coddling politicians.
South Dakota Gov. Krist Noem was one of the best governors in the nation in resisting pandemic lockdowns. But she is abysmal on the drug war. Noem spearheaded a lawsuit to overturn a voter referendum that legalized marijuana in the state.
I called Noem out on her bad drug war policy and angered a supporter in the process. I was told, “Nobody on earth did better than Noem in 2020. To claim that standing up for the basic human rights which define our republic in such a crucial moment is offset by her support of marijuana laws that all of America supported and enforced until about five minutes ago is absurd.”
In fact, the real absurdity is depending on politicians to protect your liberty.
Bad strategy.
And it’s why I don’t bother much with electoral politics – especially at the federal level. I much prefer to spend my time hacking away at government power through non-compliance, resistance, and using power centers against each other. I can work that strategy no matter who is in office and I don’t have to worry about trying to get some “good guy” in office.
I believe strongly that with a few exceptions, everybody who seeks political power is dangerous. George Mason summed it up nicely during as speech at the Virginia ratifying convention.
“Those who have power in their hands will not give it up while they can retain it. On the contrary, we know they will always, when they can, rather increase it.”
This idea that I am supposed to turn my head and ignore Z just because some politician is good on X and Y is how we ended up living under the biggest, most powerful government in the history of the world.
Instead of giving politicians and people in power a pass when they do something antithetical to the Constitution or liberty, why not hold them accountable? Why not say, “Hey, Noem was good on pandemic lockdowns, but she sucks on these other things?”
Maybe if more people who were into electoral politics held their people accountable for their garbage instead of shrugging it off or making excuses, there would be less garbage.
But no. People seem compelled to act like politicians are heroes above reproach. Sorry, that’s weird and creepy. I’m going to call out anybody who acts contrary to my liberty.
John Dickinson (the “Penman of the Revolution”) summed it up really well.
“All artful rulers, who strive to extend their power beyond its just limits, endeavor to give to their attempts as much semblance of legality as possible. Those who succeed them may venture to go a little further; for each new encroachment will be strengthened by a former. ‘That which is now supported by examples, growing old, will become an example itself,’ and thus support fresh usurpations.”
That’s why, as Dickinson put it we must “Oppose a disease at its beginning.”
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