When government-run schools teach that the American Revolution was mostly about “taxation without representation,” the underlying message is clear: today, you have representatives, so if you don’t like what they do, just get new ones. But this ignores a deeper cause – a centuries-old system called mercantilism. Murray Rothbard described it as “a system of statism using economic fallacy to build up imperial power through monopolies and special privileges.” This was a significant part of the real foundation of colonial grievances, long before the Stamp Act and tea taxes ever sparked broader resistance and calls for independence.

Path to Liberty: August 19, 2024

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Show Archives

Maharrey – Mercantilism and the Road to the American Revolution

Rothbard – Mercantilism: A Lesson for our Times?

Wiki – Navigation Acts

Thomas Jefferson – Summary View of the Rights of British America

Wool Act of 1698

Molasses Act of 1733

Hat Act of 1732

Iron Act of 1750

James Madison – Report of 1800 (7 Jan 1800)

John C. Miller – Origins of the American revolution

James A. Northington – Forging a Revolution: John Taylor at Sarum

George H. Smith – Americans with Attitudes: Smuggling in Colonial America

Sugar Act of 1764

Jayne E. Triber – National Park Service

Samuel Adams – Instructions to Boston’s Representatives (28 May 1764)

Declaration of Independence

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Michael Boldin