Tea Time interviews NJTAC on Nullification

Peter Kavalus and Brenda Poland of the New Jersey Tenth Amendment Center sit down with Tea Time to discuss Nullification. Tea Time is sponsored by the NJ Tea Party Coalition. We would like to thank the NJ Tea Party Coalition for inviting us, and encourage everyone to...

Let’s Bring the Nullify Now! Tour to Philly!

We are excited to be planning a Nullify Now! Event in Philadelphia! We are not yet confirming a date, but one target is Sept 17th, which is Constitution Day! With our friends from the Pennsylvania Tenth Amendment Center partnering on the event, some of the details in...

DOJ Threat to Texas is a Threat to ALL

This threat to Texas is aimed at all of us. You may be aware of what is happening in Texas now with regard to their anti-TSA bill and the new threat from the federal government. Pressure from the public can make a difference! Let’s show Texas we’re with...

Video: Nullification

“…That the several states who formed that instrument, [the Constitution] being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right to judge of its infraction; and, That a nullification, by those sovereignties, of all unauthorized acts done under color of that...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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Tenther Blog and News

Nullification news, quick takes, history, interviews, podcasts and much more.

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State of the Nullification Movement

232 pages. History, constitutionality, and application today.

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Path to Liberty

Our flagship podcast. Michael Boldin on the constitution, history, and strategy for liberty today

path to liberty


Maharrey Minute

The title says it all. Mike Maharrey with a 1 minute take on issues under a 10th Amendment lens. maharrey minute

Tenther Essentials

2-4 minute videos on key Constitutional issues - history, and application today


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The 10th Amendment

History, meaning, and purpose - the "Foundation of the Constitution."

10th Amendment



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