“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
It took me a long time to give up on politics. If I vote in any presidential primary or election this time around, it will likely be because Ron Paul was lucky enough to still remain on the ballot by the time the elections are held in Texas. I wish it did not take...
Obama is predicted to include a proposal in his anticipated “Jobs Plan” that would extend the existing payroll tax cuts. These tax cuts would leave the employee’s contribution to FICA at 4.2%. However, if these cuts are allowed to expire, the...
My beliefs might be controversial. I don’t care. This country needs a good controversy if it is to be restored. More and more people are writing things which demonstrate that they are coming to grips with a truism, and this truism is that it isn’t about...
Speaking of nullification, it was interesting to read a few items of Pre-Revolutionary writings. They are: 1. The Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions of 1765; and 2. The Declaratory Act of 1766. Responding to the Stamp Act, Virginia’s House of...
During an interview on Larry King, Ron Paul and Michael Moore agree that wealth imbalance in America is a major problem. Moore blames capitalism. Paul blames corporatism. Who is right? Well that depends on how you define the two. Moore: Capitalism, as it is...