Your Organs Belong to the State

The Wall Street Journal published this story about a kidney donor and potential recipient. Dolly Carew met a willing kidney donor, Bob Randall, on, and eventually, the surgeries were set to take place at Albert Einstein Medical Center in...

Bubble Mentality: Rinse and Repeat

I read both of these stories back-to-back in recent editions of The Detroit News. Story #1 on the theft of electricity: On a recent sunny morning, Mark Johnson, head of DTE’s (Detroit Energy) revenue protection unit, drove through east-side Detroit neighborhoods...

Shooting for Self-Defense?

First, a couple of news items that are actually something to cheer about concerning our rights to defend our liberties: Arizona is allowing concealed carry without a permit, and the Colorado Court of Appeals ruled that the University of Colorado has no authority to...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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