Plea Bargains and the Right to a Trial by Jury
Because of the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution, anyone accused of a crime is entitled to a trial by jury. To whit: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to…a public trial, by an impartial jury of the…district wherein...America Elects Her Own Dictators
In a totalitarian state, the government controls the people. In a free Republic, the people control the government. Dictators can not enslave a people without first deceiving them. They invariably will convince the people that they must voluntarily give up a portion...
The Federal School Yard Bullies
When the school yard bully offers to protect his classmates in exchange for a portion of their lunch money, they are running a protection racket. The bully is “protecting” their classmates from wrath that shall be perpetrated upon them unless they pay the...