The Anti-Fed Movement

Here’s an interesting piece from WaPo-owned Slate on the anti-Fed movement, which includes trimmers and phonies as well as the real deal. The good guys mentioned include Ron Paul, Jim Grant, Kevin Duffy, and the godfather, Murray Rothbard. Thanks to Bethany McLean for...

Is a Balanced-Budget Amendment Desirable?

Actually, it’s just Republican eyewash, since the federal government does massive “off-budget spending.” That is, the official deficit is always far smaller than the increase in the national debt. I do not believe there is any political solution to what the evil...

Chairman Paul?

Ron Paul won easy reelection in the 14th district of Texas with almost 77% of the vote. (His opponent, a police chief, had signs that said, “Tell Dr. No he has to go.” No one took up my suggestion for opposing signs: “Send the cop to the donut shop.” If the...

They All Want Your Money

Is “I Want Your Money” a truth-telling slogan of neocon Republicans? No, it’s their charge at liberal Democrats (who also want your money and have made their own lying films by the boatload) in a new agitprop documentary. The movie features a cast of thousands, or so...

The Killing and Reviving of the American Dream

USA Today loves to run lifestyle features that purport to show how we are living, what we are doing, what we like and what we don’t like – premised on a collectivist assumption that all our preferences can be tracked and characterized with these aggregate...