What’s So Bad About Common Core? A lot!

Many parents are beginning to ask this question as the debate over Common Core heats up. There are several reasons Common Core is a really bad thing for your kids. Common Core is a nationalized education program.  Some people may say this is a good thing. After all,...

Yes, Common Core is a National Program

What is Common Core? Many parents are asking this question as they recently become aware of the program. Common Core is nationalized education – one-size-fits-all learning standards imposed on all states and school districts by the federal government. It is not state...

The Hysteria Surrounding Nullification

Nullification. Tenth Amendment. Opponents react hysterically to these words with name calling – racist, secession, Civil War, slavery, confederacy. Clever strategy – conjuring up such emotionally-charged words from a dark period in our history so that average...