
The Declaration of Independence Did Not Birth a New Nation
Many people consider Independence Day the “birthday of America.” During a speech at the Oakland County, Michigan, Campaign for Liberty, historian Dave Benner unravels this myth, asserting that the Declaration did not create a new “nation,” but...
Sheriff Richard Mack on Nullification
Sheriff Richard Mack talks about his support for 3 types of nullification at a Tenth Amendment Center event in Phoenix in Jan. 2011: “I believe in state nullification. I believe in jury nullification. And I certainly believe in sheriff nullification.”...
What is the 10th Amendment?
The message from this 2010 speech in Ft. Worth, Texas is just as important today as it was then: “The 10th Amendment defines the entire scope of federal power as that which “we the people” of the several states gave to it in the Constitution…....