Don’t Be Fooled

Don’t be fooled! People are going to tell you that the massive $3.13 trillion deficit the Trump administration ran in fiscal 2020 was just because of the coronavirus. That’s not true. Pandemic spending simply exacerbated a spending problem that already...

Dropping Bombs on Somalia

There were more U.S. military airstrikes in Somalia through the first seven months of 2020 than there were through the entirety of the G.W. Bush and Barack Obama presidencies. Yes. Somalia. Over 7 months, the military under @realdonaldtrump did more airstrikes in...

Stop Making Excuses!

I’m sick and tired of conservatives and people who claim to want limited government making excuses for Donald Trump. Your standard for "your guy" should be the #constitution, not some other crappy politician. @mmaharrey10th

Somebody Is Going to Have to Pay for All This

On Oct. 1, the national debt surged past $27 trillion. The scary thing is nobody seems to care. In fact, they want to spend more. But at some point, somebody has to pay for all of this. That means you and I. On Oct 1, the #NationalDebt hit $27 Trillion. Trump blasted...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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