If you think for one second that the federal reserve is an "independent institution," I've got some mountaintop property here in Florida to sell you. @mmaharrey10th#EndtheFed #liberty #10thAmendment #politics #libertarian #truth pic.twitter.com/L7s22qWnvS
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) November 26, 2021
Federal Reserve Independence Is a Silly Myth
President Joe Biden recently announced he is appointing Jerome Powell for a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve. Biden said he valued Powell’s “independence.” This perpetuates a silly myth – that the Fed is an “independent...
Today in History: Patrick Henry Becomes Virginia’s First Governor Under Its Own Constitution
Today in 1776, Patrick Henry was inaugurated as Virginia’s first governor. The event marked the first time in history where a republican governor took office under a constitution written and ratified by representatives of the people. By June of the same year, civil...
Today in History: Passage of the Lee Resolution for Ties with Great Britain to be “Totally Dissolved”
Today in History, on July 2 1776, the Second Continental Congress passed the Richard Henry Lee resolution, which called for ties between Great Britain and the American states to be “totally dissolved.” The vote was unanimous amongst the colonies, all of which had one...