Today in History: Vice President John Calhoun Resigns from Office
Today in 1832, Vice President of the United States John Calhoun resigned from office after an ideological break with President Andrew Jackson. He became the first vice president to resign. In 1828, Congress passed the Tariff of 1828 – which southerners called the...
Did James Madison Reject Nullification?
Opponents of nullification often cite James Madison – author of the Virginia Resolutions of 1798 – as conclusive evidence that the doctrine is unconstitutional and should never be used in any situation. They primarily use his own words in 1830-1835 –...
Both Left and Right are Lying to you about Calhoun and Nullification
Surprise: People in power on both the left and right are lying to you. When Obama was in office, people like Rachel Maddow or Ian Millhiser (of ThinkProgress) attacked every effort to withdraw support and resources to things like gun control, NSA spying or Obamacare...