2nd Amendment: Founders Ignored Strategy to Stop Invasions of Your Rights
When government violates your right to keep and bear arms, the Founders called it an invasion of liberty. But they didn’t just complain – they gave us a strategy to resist and defeat those invaders of our most essential rights. In this episode, I’ll share their...
Rights Are Not Gifts from Government: The Founders’ View
Rights don’t come from a constitution, a bill of rights, or any document at all. Your natural rights – come from your creator – and you have them by the nature of your humanity. Even civil rights – are built on the foundation of natural rights. These...
The Bill of Rights Isn’t a Permission Slip
The Bill of Rights doesn’t give you rights. In fact, if you need government permission, it’s not really a right. You had your rights from the moment you were born. The Bill of Rights just restricts government actions that would infringe on them. The Bill...