Rebellion to Tyrants: The Sermon that Sparked the Revolution
“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” Just after the Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776, a committee of Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin worked to design a great seal for the United States – and it included that powerful phrase on the reverse....
I’m Not Black-Pilled
I recently appeared on the Hrvoje Moric show to talk about the state of liberty and the Constitution in the United States. When it comes to the Constitution and liberty, things seem pretty bleak. We live under the largest government in history, and it constantly...
Blueprint: Rhetoric, Resistance and the Revolution
When Founders like Madison, Jefferson, Sherman, Iredell and others told us to use non-compliance and other forms of resistance to keep government in check – they were following the same blueprint that was used in the American Revolution. Path to Liberty:...