Jury Nullification Can Keep the Government in Check
Thomas Jefferson considered trial by jury as the anchor by which “government can be held to the principles of its constitution.” The method, known as jury nullification, is an essential – and usually ignored – part of any strategy to advance liberty. Path...
Partnerships Don’t Work When Half the Team Quits
The federal government and the states are partners in almost every major domestic policy area. And, as leading founders like Madison, Sherman – and even Hamilton – told us, partnerships don’t work when half the team quits. But it’s not just theory. We’re...
Jury Nullification: 5 Founders and 4 States
To the Founding generation, Trial by Jury was considered an indispensable tool against the power of government. Although supporters of the monster state today want juries to only judge the facts of the case before them, they actually have a duty to consider not just...