Going to the government to solve problems - most of which were caused by government - is really bad strategy. @mmaharrey10th pic.twitter.com/l27o2bcfkl
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) December 11, 2021
There’s More Than One Way to Skin a Cat
Just because I say I don’t think the government should do something doesn’t mean I don’t think that thing should be done at all. There are lots of ways to solve problems. Government is generally the worst. Going to the government to solve problems...
Government Welfare Makes Things Worse
In 1766, Benjamin Franklin knew what most people seem totally clueless about today. Government welfare programs effectively subsidize poverty and ultimately make things worse. Incentives matter. Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: December 3, 2021...
No Welfare Power in the Constitution
A letter to the editor in the Los Angeles Times demonstrates the lack of understanding of the Constitution that unfortunately characterizes many, if not most, Americans. The letter writer states: “We should demand that all elected officials commit to fighting to end...