Michael Frisbee is the first candidate or legislator in the State of Georgia to have signed on to the Tenth Amendment Center’s 10-4 pledge.   Click here to view all signers.

Kudos to Mr. Frisbee for taking a strong, public stand in support of the Constitution! He is running as an independent for US House in Georgia’s 13th district.  Here’s a little intro from his website, www.frisbee2010.com:

Michael helped coordinate the End The Federal Reserve Rally in Atlanta, Georgia at the end of November 2008. It was after this event he chose to launch Third Party 2010/2012, a grass roots alliance of Conservative & Libertarian voters, movements, and parties whose main goal was to get Independent Candidates on the 2010 Election Ballots across this nation. Michael belongs to the American Conservative Party.

Michael Frisbee stands for the return to a Constitutional Republic; one of which the Federal Government is limited, the States have their rights and duties restored, and We The People dictate to Congress, not the other way around.

Michael Boldin