As usual in this fascist-lite America, big business is on the attack – doing their best to prevent people in their own states from dealing with issues as they see fit.

This time? Environmental regulations. From a Wall Street Journal Report:

Auto dealers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have gone to federal court challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to let California and other states regulate automobile greenhouse-gas emissions.

The two industry groups fear that the EPA’s decision will set a precedent for California to set stricter emission standards for a raft of different emitting sectors.

Near failure and seeking billions of dollars in federal stimulus funding to stay afloat, auto manufacturers earlier this year agreed to not fight against a national emission standard the Obama administration vowed to implement.

In this WSJ story, I see two major issues.

1. The EPA. For years, they’ve been opposed to the People, through their state governments, making their own decisions on these issues. In fact, they’ve often worked to prevent stricter environmental regulations in states like CA to ensure that they remain in control. Constitutionally-speaking, “Granting permission” to California is not something they’re authorized to do. The same goes for denying permission. They have no constitutional authority to be involved either way in this area.

2. The US Chamber of Commerce. They’ll gladly work with the federal government to prevent anything that might affect their business. Lobbying the federal government to use force to prevent California or other states from making their own decisions on this issue – lobbying them to violate the Constitution – is not something that endears them to me, for instance.

The bottom line? The concern from these people obviously isn’t the environment. It isn’t the economy. It isn’t for anything the bureaucrats or their corporate buddies tell you. The only thing they’re concerned with – is their own power.

The EPA wants to retain the power to decide who can and cannot have stricter or looser standards. And, business will gladly use regulations, fines and force from government to keep from having to innovate and/or face more competition. Neither side seems to show any respect for the Constitution. I’d prefer that they all just butt out.

Michael Boldin