
When browsing the news this morning, I came across “the” big story of the day – Barack Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. My first thought – is this some kind of joke?? Not until I found the announcement on the official Nobel website could I actually believe it.

It really doesn’t matter what your position is on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the regular bombing of Pakistan, and the talk of sanctions against Iran (I happen to be opposed to all of it) – to give a “peace” prize to someone overseeing multiple wars is more Orwellian than Orwell.

And that’s not even considering the fact that Obama’s spent most of this year issuing threats to American citizens, too. i.e. buy this health insurance plan or I’ll fine you. Ignore the fine, and I’ll arrest you and throw you in a cage.

Wow, talk about peaceful.

So, what is this, some kind of international ad campaign to increase the amount of worship given to our “dear leader?” If they were serious about a peace prize going to a peace activist, they would’ve given it to someone like Ron Paul who’s been fiercely advocating an end to wars and the complete liquidation of the entire US Military empire around the world.

Barack Obama as a peacemaker is a complete and utter mockery of the entire award. I sure hope that makes people reconsider how important their other prizes are – Krugman, anyone?

It sure gives new meaning to the famous line “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.”

Michael Boldin