To get listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hit List?  The SPLC has put together an “alarming” report on the rise of patriot groups – telling us we should worry about them because they’re dangerous (to the regime, that is!)

On this report is a list of 40 people – that they consider to be at the heart of this horrifying movement.  Included are Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, Catherine Bleish of Liberty Restoration Project, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, and others.

Not that I consider myself a big fish by any means, but what the heck do I have to DO to get on that list?  For four years, Tenth Amendment Center has been bashing federal policies – we advocate mass civil disobedience to unconstitutional federal laws all across the political spectrum, and we’ve been featured in some of the biggest media outlets, numerous times (Fox, CNN, NY Times, AP, Reuters, etc).

Maybe I should push the organization a little more radical?  Come on, SPLC, give us a chance, we’re definitely extremists!

Promise you’ll give some consideration next year?

Michael Boldin