The Opposition

Swing and a Miss: ATF, CBDC, Dept of Education
Most efforts to stop federal programs miss the mark in a big way. Instead of striking the root, they hack at branches, often setting the stage for more of the same in the future. Path to Liberty: August 2, 2023...
Twisting Language: 4 Ways They’ve Expanded Power
Tyranny often goes hand in hand with powerful people controlling and manipulating language – the meaning of words. Here are four – of many – ways they’ve done this with the Constitution. Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: June 9, 2023...
Shredding the Constitution to save the Constitution?
In 1978, Senator Sam Ervin of North Carolina appeared on William Buckley’s “Firing Line.” The two had a memorable exchange about “backbone:” SJE: “Frankly, I think the big trouble in public life is there are too many people in...
Is Originalism Dangerous?
Yesterday I discussed the impact of emotion on American politics. No one can discount the power of the heart, even when it comes to a judge’s decision. Take for example most of the leftist decisions of the 20th century. They aren’t based on the...