Michael Boldin interviewed by Christopher Markowski – the Watchdog on Wall Street – on September 14, 2010.

Michael will be a featured speaker at Nullify Now! Orlando and Nullify Now! Chattanooga. Get tickets here – http://www.nullifynow.com/tickets/ – or by calling 888-71-TICKETS

A special thanks to Watchdog on Wall Street for being a premiere sponsor of Nullify Now! in Orlando – tune in to Chris’ show daily – http://watchdogonwallstreet.com/

“Thomas Jefferson and James Madison both warned us that if the federal government ever became the sole and exclusive arbiter of the extent of its own powers – that power would always grow, regardless of protests, lawsuits, elections – or anything else.”

“Nullify Now is about We the People exercising our rights whether they the government wants us to or not.”


About the Show: Chris is the antithesis of what Wall Street has become; he knows financial planning is a profession, not a vehicle for selling as many ridiculous financial products as possible. His clear-cut, honest approach is in complete contrast with the fabrication and deception that individual investors are exposed to every day.