
NBC News Report Shows Second Amendment Preservation Act Works
NBC News recently did a report on the Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA). The biggest takeaway? The law is working just as intended. The report featured Columbia Police Chief Geoff Jones complaining that his department could no longer work with federal...
PBS News Hour Highlights “Defend the Guard” Initiative
Some state legislators have been introducing bills to ban their state from deploying National Guard units for undeclared foreign wars. To date, Defend the Guard bills have been introduced in some 30 states. PBS News Hour Special Correspondent Mike Cerre reported on...
The LA Times Gets It Wrong on Gun Rights
The Los Angeles Times had an editorial yesterday whose title pretty much says it all: “18-Year-Olds Shouldn’t Have the Right to Buy Guns.” So, let me see if I correctly understand the Times’s position. An 18-year-old woman is walking down a dark street at night. She...
Interview with Reason on States Working to Nullify Federal Gun Control
I recently had the opportunity to share my views – and the TAC strategy, of course – on nullifying federal gun control in a video for Reason Magazine: Conservative state legislators are taking a page from the playbook of pro-immigration activists and the...