After Nullification… Then What?

We need to start taking a look at the implications of Nullification.  When we strike down Obamacare here in Oregon, that leaves us free to pursue another model established by us here in Oregon. Since we are saddled with John Kitzaber, we may very well be forced to...

Montana vs the Endangered Species Act

An extremely important issue in places like Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming – wolves. Over the years, the feds introduced Canadian wolves to the area, and residents often claim that these new wolves are wreaking havoc on their property. The crux? D.C. doesn’t...

Is a Balanced-Budget Amendment Desirable?

Actually, it’s just Republican eyewash, since the federal government does massive “off-budget spending.” That is, the official deficit is always far smaller than the increase in the national debt. I do not believe there is any political solution to what the evil...

Health Insurance Video

This video came to me in a forwarded e-mail.  I’ll leave the in depth analysis to the experts, but here are some  points that jump out at me… The cost/deficit numbers are low ball numbers based upon CBO estimates which were already discredited a week after...

Requiem for the Tea Party

The thinking of the Tea Party was co-opted the moment it started being called a Tea Party. But the original ideas hatched and awakened simultaneously in 37 states after NH state rep Dan Itse proposed a Jeffersonian states-rights defense against federal overreach....

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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