The Constitution: The Preamble

Most of the leading Founders were lawyers. According to eighteenth-century law, a preamble explained the purposes of the document. The preamble was not part of the actual law, but was used to help explain the text.  It was considered a “key to open the Mind of the...

Oklahoma governor puts taxpayers’ money where her mouth is

Oklahoma governor Mary Fallin just set an important precedent. By rejecting $54.6 million in federal money to begin implementation of ObamaCare, the governor has firmly set herself against the unconstitutional law and with the citizens of her state. From Fox News: To...

Liberals for Slavery!

Would Rachel Maddow have enforced the Fugitive Slave Act? On the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and the battle of Fort Sumter, MSNBC television host Rachel Maddow said on her evening program: “The fact that the first shots were fired in South Carolina specifically...

The Nanny State Can’t Last

by Ron Paul Last week, Congress and the administration refused to seriously consider the problem of government spending. Despite the fear-mongering, a government shutdown would not have been as bad as claimed. It is encouraging that some in Washington seem to be...

Ideology vs. The Constitution

I’d like to clarify our role here at the Tenth Amendment Center.  We are many times falsely referred to as a “Libertarian Think-Tank,” but this is a somewhat false assertion. The Tenth Amendment is a non-partisan rule of construction. It simply asserts what the...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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The 10th Amendment

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