Farm Subsidies to be Cut?

It’s shaping up to being another good year for farm incomes. As a result, policymakers looking for spending cuts are finally turning an eye toward farm subsidies. An emerging target is the $5 billion in annual payments made to farmers…for basically just being farmers....

Rachel Maddow: Obey Your Overlords, Citizen

In a discussion whose every syllable one could have predicted in advance, left-nationalist Rachel Maddow covers nullification, and you’ll never guess: it’s an idea only “racists” and “neo-Confederates” (there’s that agitprop term again) would support! Of course, her...

A New Military Strategy in the Middle East

When will we learn? The Middle East is a tinder box of tribal factions that spend their time looking back instead of toward the future. The hatred runs deep within the countries and the hatred is vile toward the west whenever we stick our nose into the fight. Our men...

Constitutional Refuseniks

From Reason – “Stewart Rhodes on his controversial group the Oath Keepers and the orders they won’t obey” Stewart will be a featured speaker at Nullify Now! Austin on 04-16-11. Get tickets here – or by...

Impeachment over Libya?

Well-known constitutional attorney Bruce Fein has drafted an article of impeachment against President Obama over his attack on Libya. Bruce Fein says that “Barack Hussein Obama has mocked the rule of law, endangered the very existence of the Republic and the...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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