What have we allowed to happen in our country, when police can arrest you on your own property without warrant, or probable cause?… Police who take this sort of license disgust me. I have followed up on the net You can find accounts of the story here, here, or here. The underlying claim of the officer on the scene seems to be that The citizen (on her own property) holding a camera (iphone) was threatening him. Regardless of the fact that she clearly was in pajamas, and had no other objects but the phone (or so the other bystanders said)… We need to reexamine just what police powers we want to vest in the authorities. Do we really want a place where we are not safe on our own property, or where the police have unlimited power to order us around? The way I see it this is just too far. I think this was an unreasonable (to say the least ) use of police powers.
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