About an hour ago, Virginia House Bill 1160 (HB1160) which recently passed the House of Delegates by a vote of 96-4, was approved by the Senate Courts of Justice Committee. The vote was 8-4 with 3 abstentions.

The legislative goal of HB1160 is to codify in Virginia law noncompliance with what many are referring to as the “kidnapping provisions” of section 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA). The official summary of 1160:

“A BILL to prevent any agency, political subdivision, employee, or member of the military of Virginia from assisting an agency of the armed forces of the United States in the investigation, prosecution, or detention of a citizen in violation of the United States Constitution, the Constitution of Virginia, or any Virginia law or regulation.”

HB1160 is sponsored by Delegate Bob Marshall, who recently told The New American – “They say this law [the NDAA] is designed to fight terrorists. You don’t defeat terrorists by adopting their tactics. I will be faithful to my calling to stand against these predators who would sell their birthright for a mess of pottage.”

In a statement from the Tenth Amendment Center prepared for a February 23rd multi-group coalition press conference on state and local resistance to the NDAA, Blake Filippi of the Rhode Island Liberty Coalition said, “When you remove due process from the equation – arrest and “indefinite detention” become nothing more than government-sanctioned kidnapping. This is repugnant to our values and traditions, and Americans know it. We may suffer from frequent bouts of apathy, but when something like the NDAA strikes at the very heart of who we are, Americans stand up and say NO!”

Marshall previously reported that Governor Bob McDonnell is opposing this legislation. Residents all over Virginia are strongly encouraged to contact their Senators AND the Governor’s office in support of this legislation now as it could reach a full Senate vote as early as Friday, February 24th

CLICK HERE to track the status of NDAA nullification legislation around the country.

CLICK HERE to view a suite of model resolutions and legislation available for introduction in your area.


If you live in Virginia – act NOW. Not tomorrow or next week. Today, not tomorrow – right now.

1. Visit the link below for contact information for your delegate:

2. click on a Senator’s name that is your Senator – get their email address and TWO phone numbers – capitol and district offices

3. CALL them. Best option – respectfully, yet firmly – urge them to pass this bill. Let them know that you want them to stand up for the Constitution of the United States AND the Constitution of Virginia – they took an oath to both.

4. EMAIL them – even if call, you can still email too. Or just email. A courteous, strong and firm email – urging them to vote yes on this bill.

5. Do the same for the Governor’s office – 804-786-2211 or https://www.governor.virginia.gov/AboutTheGovernor/contactGovernor.cfm

6. Report Back – when you get responses, let us know! We want people to be informed of what their delegates are saying and doing.


If your Senator was on the committee that voted in favor of HB1160, call them NOW to thank them for their YES vote. Final tally and votes forthcoming:

Michael Boldin