NOTE: Today is the Tenth Amendment Center’s 6 year anniversary! Founded June 25, 2012

In our first year of operating this site, we generally received about the same amount of traffic every six months that we do in about 2 weeks today. But, there’s some pretty good content on the site from back then – and yes, some…well, “less-good” content too.

The following as the top-five posts on the site through June of 2007. When looking through the statistics, I was a little surprised by how the topics appeared to be quite similar to what they are today – issues over habeas corpus, the drug war, state-level resistance. Real ID was the big one, as that’s what sparked our modern nullification movement. This was my favorite line, “More people and more states must stand up to the federal government and say no!”

1. Limiting Habeas Corpus : Limiting Government Power

2. Real ID. Rise of the Resistance

3. The Drug War and the Totalitarian Nightmare

4. REAL ID: Opposition in Tennesssee

5. REAL ID: Real Resistance

Michael Boldin