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On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress formally declared its independence.. Thirteen years later, after a difficult war, the new country was open for business. It was truly unique – the first nation in all of history in which the individual was considered more important than the government, and the government was tied down by a written Constitution.

But the America that’s celebrated no longer exists.

“Free and Independent States” – that’s what the declaration reads. Are we anywhere near the original vision? Our guest tonight doesn’t seem to think so. Francisco Rodriguez is the Outreach director for the Flordia Tenth Amendment Center – and yesterday we featured an article of his – Celebrate independence, not DE-pendence. We talk with Francisco in the third segment.

A lot of Tenther movement activity to share too. In the second segment, we talk about how people around the country – in their states – are working to respond, and nullify – the unconstitutional obamacare decision..

Documentary: Nullification: The Rightful Remedy
TAC Membership program
John Roberts, Meet John Marshall
Liberty Takeover 2012
Florida Tenth Amendment Center

The Tenther Radio Team for this Week
Michael Boldin, Nick Hankoff and Bernie LaForest

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