By now, anybody who even casually follows the Tenther movement and the liberty movement in general has likely heard about the secession petitions circulating.  Yesterday, I had personally gone from only hearing about Louisiana, to hearing my State of New Jersey had one too, to hearing the count was up to twenty States.  That could be an old number by the time this makes it into the Tenth Amendment Center blog.

The language of these petitions is interesting, as they “ask” the federal government to let said States peaceably withdraw from the United States.  Although I confess to having signed, originally for Louisiana upon first finding out, and then for New Jersey, it was more out of curiosity than anything else.

Apparently, any State circulating these petitions requires a minimum of 25,000 signatures within thirty days in order to receive a White House response.  Texas has nearly double the required signatures, and Louisiana is likely a day away from hitting the threshold.  Several states are beyond halfway there.  Check to see if your State is on the list.  While you’re at it, go ahead and sign, so you can get your response.  The most likely response from the White House is a familiar word to anybody in the nullification movement, “No.”

Meanwhile, throughout the United States, two States legalized marijuana, this Election Day, not just for medicinal use, but for general use.  Others nullified the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare, or in New Jersey as PalloneCare.  Governors in other States have stated flat out they will not implement the ACA.  They are not asking permission to opt out.  They are not asking the federal government to refrain from enforcing it in their State.  They are telling D.C. how it will be.  Whether or not their State remains in the union, they are going to do things their way.

Back to secession.  When the American Colonies declared their independence, did they petition the British Crown to let them go first?  Did King George receive petitions from the Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, (which respectfully yielded to) South Carolina and Georgia?  After they all hit the threshold, did he say the eighteenth century royal equivalent of, “Sure why not?  Go ahead guys!”  Judging by the years of bitter conflict that followed, in which one counting individual battles would have certainly predicted a British victory, I’d say the Colonies did not have the King’s permission.  But they declared their independence anyway.  They seceded, whether King George or the British Parliament agreed or not.  So, secessionists, if you don’t get permission, are you going to push your State Legislatures and Governors to secede anyway?  Because our Imperial President Obama is highly unlikely to say yes.

I personally hope and pray that the United States will remain together, not as subjugated provinces, but voluntarily as sovereign entities that have reclaimed the powers reserved to themselves and to the People.  This can be achieved through dedicates nullification efforts.  If the White House, Congress and/or the Supreme Court double down and try to tighten their grip even more, then by all means, red or blue or pink with purple polka dotted States, go ahead and secede, without permission if necessary.  I will pray the split is quick and peaceful.  Better that than another Civil War.  But before trying to go all 1776 on the Feds, let’s work on going 1798 on them, and perhaps avoid having everybody go 1860s on everybody else.

Benjamin W. Mankowski, Sr.