Although the  the Second Amendment Preservation Act (House Bill 5) failed to pass this last legislative session, you can still take action to protect your right to keep and bear arms in Louisiana at the local level, and pave the way for success in the legislature next year.

HB 5 easily passed the House by a 67-25 vote. But not enough senators were educated about the bill, and it died in the upper chamber.

Even though your state legislature failed to interpose, government bodies at the local level can step into the fray to get things done.

Counties and cities can refuse to assist any federal attempts enforce federal gun laws in their jurisdictions. These measures will not only provide  practical protections for their citizens, they will send a strong message to the Baton Rouge and put the pressure on to nullify unconstitutional gun “laws” at the state level in the next legislative session. Successful actions at the local level will put pressure on those senators next year, and the process of passing local measure will serve as an educational tool both for lawmakers and the general public.

Of course, local governments won’t act without citizen input and grassroots pressure. The good news is a few dedicated individuals can make a difference at the local level.

That’s where you can step up to the plate.

Contact your local representative and introduce resolutions and ordinances to stop the federal government’s usurpation on the Second Amendment. Once enough cities, towns, and counties pass local laws, the state players will change their tone on nullification.

Get involved locally by communicating with your sheriff, local law enforcement, and your community. Educate each other on nullification, the Second Amendment, and the Constitution. Teach community members that no state or locality is forced into enforcing federal laws. Then introduce model legislation to preserve the Second Amendment to your local lawmakers. Encourage your city, town, municipality and county officials to refuse to aid, enforce, or provide resources to the federal government when it attempts to violate Second Amendment.

Local noncompliance can create major obstructions and impediments. Federal law enforcement agencies lack the manpower and resources to enforce federal laws on their own. They always require the aid of state AND local law enforcement. As Judge Andrew Napolitano said recently, widespread noncompliance can make a federal law “nearly impossible to enforce” (video here).

It’s going to take work to ensure that this is how things play out.  Here’s what you can start doing right now.  

1.  Contact your local legislators – County, City, Town – and urge them to introduce model legislation in support of the 2nd Amendment.

local ordinance here:

2.  Become a local leader.   If you’re dedicated to the right and keep and bear arms, we’ll provide you with the tools you need to not only act on your own, but to organize and lead others to help support these efforts.

contact us here and let us know –

3. Join the 2nd Amendment Preservation Group for Louisiana on Facebook.  This group is the center where grassroots activists can coordinate, task, and activate their communities to stop federal infringements.

4. Share this information widely.  Please pass this along to your friends and family.  Also share it with any and all grassroots groups you’re in contact with around the state.  Please encourage them to email this information to their members and supporters.


The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act IS constitutional

How to Respond to Unlawful Orders

The 2nd Amendment didn’t “grant” rights