Tenth Amendment Center national communications director Mike Maharrey spent an hour talking with the Forgotten Men about the Patriot Act, NSA spying, the specter of indefinite detention, government secrecy and other threats to liberty flowing out of the “War on Terror.”

As you’ll hear, the subject stirred a great deal of passion.

“I’m sure some people listening to this are thinking, ‘wow, this guy is crazy. Maybe a little unhinged.’ But people who know me well will tell you I am typically an extremely skeptical person. I am not prone to conspiracy theories, and I tend to look at things from a very rational point of view. So, for me to get this worked up should tell you something. This threat is very real. We’ve just seen the tip of the iceberg. These secret programs shred constitutional restrictions on government power, and if left unchecked, will continue to grow. This poses a grave threat to liberty.”