UPDATE: on 01-21-14, Sen. Beavers and Rep. Pody refiled this legislation as SB1888 and HB1770 with shortened language to help make sure that opponents of the bill have as little chance as possible to find weaknesses in the bill. The effect is the same, it would ban the state from enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of the Affordable Care Act, which is the state’s prerogative.

On Jan. 15, SB 1680 was introduced by Sen. Mae Beavers. The legislation would ban the state from implementing provisions of Obamacare, including the creation of an exchange. Leaving implementation to the federal government is not only on sound legal grounds, if passed in a number of states, Judge Andrew Napolitano has said this will “gut Obamacare.” (learn more about the bill here)

After the bill was introduced, the following day a number of State Senators removed their name as co-sponsors. Inside sources say pressure from insurance companies and possibly even Gov. Haslam’s office has caused them to step back from publicly supporting such a strong piece of legislation.

YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED NOW to make sure the legislation has the support it needs to move forward. It has a number of co-sponsors already, including the powerful Judiciary committee chair, Sen. Kelsey.

1. Call your State Senator. Be strong, but respectful. Urge your State Senator to support and co-sponsor SB 1680. If they do not commit to a YES vote, ask them why. If they’re undecided, let them know you’ll call them back in a few days. It is important that you call because a phone call has 10x the impact of an email.

You can find your legislator’s contact information by clicking HERE

2. Call your State Representative. Be strong, but respectful. Urge your State Rep to support and co-sponsor a companion bill to SB1680. If they do not commit to a YES vote, ask them why. If they’re undecided, let them know you’ll call them back in a few days. It is important that you call because a phone call has 10x the impact of an email.

You can find your legislator’s contact information by clicking HERE

3.  Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days.  Ask if they’ve had a chance to review the legislation and what their opposition might be.   Comment below or contact us with any information you get.

4.  on Twitter?  Retweet

5.  Write a letter to the editor Look up your local newspaper and submit a letter to the editor voicing your support for SB1680. Following strong legal principles, it’s essential that Tennessee no longer help the federal government carry out the Affordable Care Act. Passing SB1680 will start that process.

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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