On January 9, HB 3011 was introduced to legalize the production of industrial hemp. (learn about it here) It was promptly referred to the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee where it will need to pass by majority vote before the full Senate can consider it.

YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED NOW. It doesn’t matter where in West Virginia you live, take these actions today.

1. Call the Chairs of the Committee, David Walker and John Pino Strongly, but respectfully urge them to move this important bipartisan bill forward to a vote in their committee. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email.

Walker: (304) 340-3135

Pino: (304) 340-3170

2. Call the rest of the committee members. Again, be strong, but respectful. Urge each of them to take action to move the bill forward and vote YES on HB 3011. If they do not commit to a YES vote, ask them why. If they’re undecided, let them know you’ll call back in a few days.

Mike Manypenny (D) Vice Chair (304) 340-3139
Rupert Phillips Jr(D) Vice Chair (304) 340-3174
Allen V. Evans (R) Minority Chair (304) 340-3399
Bill Hamilton (R) Minority Chair (304) 340-3167
William R. Romine (R) Minority Vice-Chair (304) 340-3226
Woody Ireland Minority Vice-Chair (R) (304) 340-3195
Denise L. Campbell (D) (304) 340-3145
Phil Diserio (D) (304) 340-3367
Nancy Peoples Guthrie (D) (304) 340-3156
Mary M. Poling (D) (304) 340-3265
Isaac Sponaugle (D) (304) 340-3154
Randy Swartzmiller (D) (304) 340-3138
Ted Tomblin (D) (304) 340-3297
Danny Wells (D) (304) 340-3287
Larry A. Williams (D) (304) 340-3160
George Ambler (R) (304) 340-3129
Bill Anderson (R) (304) 340-3168
Ray Canterbury (R) (304) 340-3131
John N. Ellem (R) (304) 340-3394
Carol Miller (R) (304) 340-3176
John Overington (R) (304) 340-3148
Anna Border Sheppard (R) (304) 340-3136

3. Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days. Ask if they’ve had a chance to review the legislation and what their opposition might be. Comment below or contact us at http://ask.tenthamendmentcenter.com with any information you get.

4. SHARE this information widely. By facebook, twitter, email, and more.

5. Write a letter to the editor. Look up your local newspaper and submit a letter to the editor voicing your support for HB3011. It is essential for the economic well-being of WV citizens for industrial hemp cultivation to be legalized. Passing HB3011 will make that happen.

6. Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below