On Jan. 8, SB546 was introduced by Sen. John Lamping (R-24) to stop the implementation of significant provisions of Obamacare in the state of Missouri. (learn more about it here) It was promptly referred to the Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee.
STATUS: SB546 was PASSED through committee on Feb. 18
The bill will now go to the full Senate where it will need to pass before it is sent to the House for concurrence.
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! It doesn’t matter where in Missouri you live, ACT NOW!
1. Call your State Senator. Be strong, but respectful. Urge your State Sen. to support and vote YES on SB546. It is important to call because a phone call has 10x the impact of an email.
You can find your legislator’s contact information by clicking HERE
2. SHARE this information widely. By facebook, twitter, email, and more.
3. Write a letter to the editor. Look up your local newspaper and submit a letter to the editor voicing your support for HB2621. It is essential to keep the health freedom of MO citizens protected from federal overreach. Passing HB2621 will make that happen.
4. Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below