AB1327, a bill that would put severe restrictions on the use of drones by government officials within the state of California, was introduced on Feb. 22 by Assemblyman Jeff Gorrell (R-44). It passed in the state assembly by a 63-6 vote. It has since been moved to the Senate Appropriations Committee where it will need to pass through a majority before the full state senate can have chance to concur with the assembly’s decision.

PLEASE TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS – The committee hearing is currently scheduled for Monday, Jun. 30. That means it is crucial for committee members to be called as quickly as possible to support the passage of AB1327. It doesn’t matter where you live in California, please follow all these steps.

1. Call the Committee Chair, Kevin De Leon. Strongly, but respectfully urge him to move this important bipartisan bill forward to a vote in his committee. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email.
(916) 651-4022

2. Call the rest of the committee members. Again, be strong, but respectful. Urge each of them to take action to move the bill forward and vote YES on AB1327. If they do not commit to a YES vote, ask them why. If they’re undecided, let them know you’ll call back in a few days.
Mimi Walters (R) Vice Chair 916.651.4037
Ted Gaines (R) 916.651.4001
Jerry Hill (D) (916) 651-4013
Ricardo Lara (D) (916) 651-4033
Alex Padilla (D) (916) 651-4020
Darrell Steinberg (D) (916) 651-4006

3. Call Back – any NO or UNDECIDED – in 3-4 days. Ask if they’ve had a chance to review the legislation and what their opposition might be. Comment below or contact us at http://ask.tenthamendmentcenter.com with any information you get.

4.   SHARE this information widely.   By facebook, twitter, email, and more.

5. Write a letter to the editor. Look up your local newspaper and submit a letter to the editor voicing your support for AB1327. It is essential for CA citizens to be protected from invasive drone spying. Passing AB1327 will make that happen.

6. Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below